Hello there,

Welcome to Shelium.

This is my brand new blog website, accompanying my recently started Youtube channel. And my hope is to fill both platforms (and all the socials) with informative, yet entertaining stories and facts from the world of Science.

Spread Science

If you haven’t seen my intro video on Youtube yet - head over and have a look.

(And leave me a thumbs up and some coffees)

🎤👈 *tab tab* 🎤👈
Is this thing on?

I'm Susi. I'm a Scientist, more specifically I'm a Chemist, and an Edutainer. 👩‍🔬

The world we live in

In the past couple of months, I realised that we are living in a world where media doesn't always do a great job in communicating Science.

Most sources of misinformation stem from media outlets simplifying and distorting information. As Carl Sagan wrote it so fittingly, there are so many undetected cases of baloney in our world. Deceptions - sometimes innocent, sometimes targeted - of the public. The credulous acceptance of everything spread on (social) media can be dangerous: when governments and societies lose the capacity for critical thinking, the results can be catastrophic. However, a lot of people never had the chance to get the tools for skeptical thinking at hand.

Let me edutain you!

Why am I telling you this? Because Scientists should be the ones to help. Make people understand the scientific jargon. Scientists - at least some - should be best in talking about and explaining what they do every day - Science!
While many media outlets simplify and distort, I want to comb scientific studies down to the smallest detail and provide you with reliable, differentiated information that you cannot easily google. Answer questions you might have always asked yourself - or you never thought about it.

So while we are all stuck in lockdown or restrictions at home, grab a cup of coffee ☕ and make yourself comfortable - let's spread some Science! 🧪

Get in touch:

You have a topic you always wanted to know about? That one questions that always stuck in your head and never got answered? Can't find a trusted source of information?

Maybe I can help 😊 Leave me a comment below or under my youtube videos and maybe the next video will cover your topic! 😉
Until then - stay sciency! ⚛


The one about… COFFEE